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2021 Governing Council

Greater Cleveland Council of FSC

This year’s Governing Council again will be a virtual event held via Zoom. Due to mandates from The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC), we need to make certain changes to our governance.

Key Dates

  • TUESDAY, APRIL 6, noon, MDT Deadline for clubs to register their delegates for Governing Council.

  • FRIDAY, APRIL 9, noon, MDT Publication of Bylaw proposals on the USFS website.

  • WEEK OF APRIL 12 *Check the specific day and time for your Vice President’s sectional Zoom meeting.

  • FRIDAY, APRIL 16, noon, MDT Deadline to assign proxies for any delegates that will not attend.

  • THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 5:00 PM, MDT Governing Council’s Governance Seminar for delegates, overview of Bylaw proposals.

  • FRIDAY, APRIL 29 – SATURDAY, MAY 1, 2021 Delegates, Governing Council.

* It is important that you check the USFS website regularly for updated information. Log in to Members Only, use the menu bar on the top left side, scroll down to Leadership, then click on the Governing Council tab.

What We Know Now

The exact wording and nature of the proposed Bylaw and rule changes will not be published until Friday, April 9, per the information on the USFS website. Hence, it is not known exactly how the proposals are structured and worded.

The Governance Working Committee has made one presentation to USFS members over the past few weeks. The three Vice President sectional calls also presented the Bylaw proposals. There are three relevant documents currently posted on the USFS website in Members Only:

  1. Standing Rules for the Governing Council states the process by which the proposed Bylaw exhibit can be amended.

  2. PowerPoint Illustration of Changes presents a slide deck documenting the USOPC mandated changes as well as significant additional changes to the USFS governance structure.

  3. Background and Overview is a document that supports the proposed Bylaw changes, including a list of all the Bylaw and rule changes that accompany the proposal.

These documents are posted in the Members Only section of the USFS website at Log in, use the menu bar on the top left side, scroll down to Leadership, then click on the Governing Council tab.

Support for the Mandated USOPC Changes

The mandated changes from the USOPC are:


  • Changes the definition of qualifications to be an Athlete

  • Requires 33 1/3% Athlete representation on:

    • the Board of Directors

    • all committees

    • the Governing Council

  • Restricts specific categories of positions where Athletes are allowed to serve


  • Adds two at-large independent members

  • Board needs to be strategic, not operational. The Bylaws need to include a statement about strategy.

Remaining Questions

However, the Governance Working Committee Bylaw proposals go beyond the required mandates of the USOPC. These additional proposed Bylaw revisions significantly change the governance structure of U.S. Figure Skating.

Participate, Be Informed, and Vote Attend scheduled meetings, register your delegates, assign your proxies, be informed, and vote.



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