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Theatre On Ice

Theatre On Ice (TOI) is a form of competitive figure skating that is popular in Europe, where it is known as Ballet on Ice. It combines the grace of figure skating with the excitement of theater and dance. Teams consist of between eight and 30 skaters. The programs are judged by regular U.S. Figure Skating judges and are evaluated on technical merit and presentation with emphasis on originality, costuming, artistry and musicality.


There are several TOI teams and TOI competitions around the country, and U.S. Figure Skating is making an effort to standardize and promote this discipline. Skaters, both competitive and noncompetitive, can learn and grow on a theatre team. Best of all, a team can draw club skaters together and increase club spirit.

Visit the US Figure Skating webpage devoted to Theatre on Ice at usfigureskating.


Center Ice:



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